I have a computer running OpenWebRX with RSPdx that works just fine.
Now I want to replace the WebRX client with SatNogs software /the hard way/.
My OS is Devuan Chimaera (4) == Debian Bullseye.
In the past I built the soapy stuff manually - SoapySDR, SoapySDRPlay3, they should work just fine.
Today I built satnogs-client. It runs well, I can see it connecting to the main server each minute polling tasks. However I don’t see any data uploaded.
Here are the env vars:
export SATNOGS_SOAPY_RX_DEVICE=“driver=sdrplay”
export SATNOGS_GAIN_MODE=“Settings Field”
export SATNOGS_ANTENNA=“Antenna A”
export SATNOGS_STATION_LAT=“42.678”
export SATNOGS_STATION_LON=“23.310”
After some research I decided that I should also have gr-satnogs package and I build it, together with gnuradio 3.10.
All the gnuradio and satnogs packages are locally installed in .local/
Libraries are loaded and are reported by ldconfig -p.
Still no data uploaded to the SatNogs server.
I don’t understand how satnogs-client invokes the radio module (rspdx in my case) in order to listen and save the audio output (probably?).
I decided that it might call something through satnogs-flowgraphs.
Now I’m stuck here, on satnogs-flowgraphs that is missing the module SoapySDR.
satnogs-flowgraphs/generic/afsk1200_ax25.grc: (ModuleNotFoundError(“No module named ‘SoapySDR’”)
I guess that the module in question is the gr-soapy module - librespacefoundation / gr-soapy · GitLab
Here I having the followig error message:
gr-soapy/lib/source_impl.h:35:16: error: ‘function’ in namespace ‘boost’ does not name a template type; did you mean ‘is_function’?
BTW I’m building gr-soapy w/o SWIG, since cmake successfully finishes.
I’ll be grateful for quick explanation on the GR and SatNogs programs sequence in order to debug my setup.
Thank you,
73 de LZ1MZK