Hi everyone,
I am using a CNC Shield which works pretty well on an Arduino UNO.
I am now trying to port the code on an ESP8266 (Wemos D1 Mini Pro) to be abble to control my rotator via Wifi.
Here is the roator_pins declaration:
#define M1IN1 D6 ///< Motor 1 PWM pin
#define M1IN2 D2 ///< Motor 1 PWM pin
#define M2IN1 D5 ///< Motor 2 PWM pin
#define M2IN2 D1 ///< Motor 2 PWM pin
#define MOTOR_EN D7 ///< Digital output, to enable the motors
#define SW1 D3 ///< Digital input, to read the status of end-stop for motor 1
#define SW2 D4 ///< Digital input, to read the status of end-stop for motor 2
But I constantly get a wdt reset on the serial monitor:
wdt is watchdog, needs to be fed periodically so it doesn’t run out and reset the cpu.
if the code has a lot of sleep and blocking calls it can be good to increase the time it takes.
just feed it at least once in loop(), for 8266 I think it is ESP.wdtFeed();
A Similar project to yours and they give you the code if you ask. I have one up and running right now in WiFi sitting out in the snow… It’s been running for 8 months at temps down to -30C
Hi Steeve,
Sure, this is a CNC Shield V3 that you can purchase everywhere for less than $15.
Mine is fitted with two DRV8825 drivers.
Everything you need to know is described here:
I think we went different routes in that i installed the RPi3 with a NooelecSmart SDR outside with the Rotor and used the Wifi from the RPi3 to communicate with my Router and the Satnogs Network. I liked the idea of having very little loss between the Antenna and the SDR.
Hi JB,
Thanks for quick response, that’s the shield and drivers that I am using, works great.
Silly me misread your first post, thought it said you had a shield for the ESP8266.
Sorry about that.
No worry Steeve.
I am using an Arduino Proto Shield to plug the CNC Shield on an Wemos D1 mini Pro.
With some minor changes in the source code, it works like a charm with en ESP8266.
Did you manage to successfully complete the code and the project? If you did, I would really like you to share it with me if possible.