SatNOGS rotator v3.1- rotary encoders?

Hi Steve,
I think that the ERROR is a result of the rotor reporting a orientation of -360° Azimuth due to the destroyed endstop.
I will try to bend the endstops down a bit, so that it can be pushed from both sides. Does the rotor react to the endstops during normal operation? Or are they only acknowledged during homing?


Hi Sam,
99 percent sure end stops only acknowledged during homing.

Okay. I will replace the endstop and bend it slightly when I have time next week. I will do another calibration. Thanks!


Okay, I just fixed it.
I bend the arm and the limit switch slightly down and used some electrical tape to stop it from going up again.
Theoretically that shoud’ve fixed it, but I went ahead and set the maximum Azimuth to 340° degrees in gpredict. Just to be sure.

The gear ratio was not 1:54 for me, but more like 1:53,4. I changed that in the Arduino program.
Now everything works and I just got this HRPT image from NOAA 18:

Thanks again for all of your help!


Very good to see it all working.
Well done.
Top image for first go.