SatNOGS Network Release: 1.111

We have a new release for SatNOGS Network, which will be deployed in the next minutes. It comes with several new features, updates and fixes.

If you notice anything unexpected, let us know either by posting here or opening a new issue in Issues · librespacefoundation / SatNOGS / satnogs-network · GitLab

One of the main changes is the new configuration process that we adapt, this will be used in the future registration process of the station when satnogs-client project is ready to support it.

The current users/station owners are not affected and don’t need to do anything. However there is a small change in the look of the Edit Station page.

Specifically the Location subsection is removed and in its place we have the Configuration subsection, there you can see the configuration json structure that stores the location details. You can edit the location details by hitting the Edit button. Here are the before after screenshots:

More details can be found in: