Satnogs-network API to update observations: 401 Unauthorized

I managed to finalize my decoder for the .ogg files, but now I need to upload the demoddata / payload_data on Satnogs Network through the API.

I can properly GET, but I cannot update obserations with the provided code and my API token:

I see some topics about 401, and people have a wrong API key. I got mine from 's dashboard page. Am I right?

Couls you please tell me if I am doing something wrong or where I can ask for access to this if required.


Oh, may I add that I would like to decode observations registered by other people, maybe this is the source of the problem.

I decoded a 100 beacons from this list:

I am part of the team operating this satellite, and I would like to contribute by decoding as manty signals as possible to update the demoddata, make a kaitai decoder and finally make a Dashboard for this satellite.


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Using a proper timestamp and probably the correct observer or station name you could push those frames directly into DB! The correct timestamp of the reception time is obligatory!

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You are not allowed to upload data to observations performed by station you don’t own. The solution, as @DL4PD described, is to use the SiDS protocol and upload the data to SatNOGS DB.

Let us know if you need help with this.

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Thank you for the suggestions, this seems to be a good path.
I will investigate this and go this route.

By the way, I noticed that the API Schema’s telemetry POST method is missing some parameters when compared to the source code.


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Please open an issue about it in Issues · librespacefoundation / SatNOGS / satnogs-db · GitLab in order to track it and fix it.

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