We will be building first SatNOGS opensource ground station of Mumbai, India. The build will be supported by @makersasylum, makerspace in Mumbai. The community is already exited about the project. The first brainstorming will happen on 15th November, Sunday, 5 pm IST, a hangout link will be uploaded soon. Wish us good luck, looking forward for your support.
@sachinm Are you looking for a specific skill-set? Because being a student I have the same random half-hazard knowledge all students of my age normally possess. Therefore my main intention is to use this opportunity to learn. Basically putting it honestly , there’s very little in terms of skills I would bring to the table and of course a lot in terms of skills I’m hoping to take from the table. Hope that’s fine?
I am very keen to know about you all in a bit more detail. We are a part of the prestigious global competition Google Lunar X prize (www.googlelunarxprize.org/teamindus) and the sole participant from India. The first privately funded Lunar Mission.