Hello, everyone I’m Eduardo, a.k.a XE1SPE,
Since I began working with SatNOGS, around two years ago, I realised that despite the fact that I have knowledge on Linux and how to work with it, along with the patience to read and understand all the required instructions to install the software, configure it, upate and upgrade all the required items that are not always mentioned in the instructions, and configure the LNA, I don’t really have the will to do these procedures every time I want to buid a new station, and that I want to be prepared, in case my SD gets corrupted (it happened to me once), it needs to have the OS reinstalled or it gets filled with data and becomes unoperable ( as it also happened once).
That’s why, when I made sure, a newer version of the software was working fine, I cloned the SD with my configurations to a new .img file, so I can use it everytime I need it, and since I have never found a img version of an already configured station, I decided to sahare mines, in case you want to avoid doing all the procedures needed to create one from scratch (if you are as impatient as me xd), and avoid losing time traying to troubleshoot any problem that might present.
I have older versions of the client here (I think they are 1.1 to 1.4):
Older images from 2020
And the newest ones (1.5.1 and 1.6):
Newer Images. From 1.5.1
It is already configured to be used with:
-RTL-SDR V3 radio
-RTL-SDR LNA with bias-tee, therefore the pre-obervation and post-observation scripts are already configured.
-An omidirectional antenna is recommended, since I did not configure any rotator.
-Raspberry Pi 3B+ is the most recommended, but it will also work for RPi 3+, 4 and Zero W, jjust consider that you will need to configure the WiFi connection on the Pi4, for the RPi 3 you will need to reduce the sampling rate to 1.024e6 and for the Zero W, it will always give failed observations, since it cannot configure a correct sampling rate. I’m not sure about the RPi Zero 2W.
You can download them and use them if you want, just take into consideration that you will need a SD card with at least 8GB of memory and you will need to change:
-Basic information, such as the API Key, Location, altitude and your user and station specifications…
-The Radio gain is set to 19.7 dB and soapy-device “driver=rtlsdr”, in case you want to know beforehand.
-Your sample rate, just in case, I currenlty use 2.048e6 (for RPi 4 and RPi 3B+) or you can change it to 1.024e6 (for RPi 3 and RPI Zero 2W)
-Any other thing you consider.
I hope you find these resources useful and you avoid configuring your stations again if you don’t want to.
Saludos desde México/Greetings from Mexico
73, XE1SPE.
P.S. If you want, I can reate a manual o how to change the configurations, so you can work it more easily.