SatNOGS client v0.9.1

0.9.1: Adds support for flipping the antenna during high elevation passes

Any settings I have to change to activate this behavior for a Yaesu G-5500 rotator?

For now the azimuth rotator still makes a 180 deg turn when the elevation approaches meridian on a high pass.

Thanks very much for your replies, @fredy.

Yes, I was aware of the content of the troubleshooting page; however, that page seems to imply that, by using satnogs-setup to indicate my intention not to require rotctld, this error should not present itself.

Yes, I followed the instructions in that thread to update to v1.0, and, yes, the errors I got are related to the deprecated python version at the end of the year. Since I use the RPi for other applications, I guess I’ll just wait for the announcement that v1.0 is ready to be the default version. Hopefully by that time, your update will go smoothly automatically.

I’ll watch my email for the announcement, thank you!

Best regards,
Andreas / VA2WBT

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Now I am installing satnogs-client-ansible. I already have all dependencies and when I
execute: ansible-playbook -i production/inventory/hosts site.yml I got this message Executing playbook site.yml

  • satnogs-setups -
    Gathering Facts…
    [WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_runner_on_unreachable) in callback plugin
    (<ansible.plugins.callback.unixy.CallbackModule object at 0x7f179696b828>):
    ‘CallbackModule’ object has no attribute ‘delegated_vars’

    to retry, use: --limit @/root/satnogs-client-ansible/site.retry

  • Play recap -
    satnogs : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=1 failed=0

Someone can help me !!!

production/inventory/host_vars variables contain any variables. It contain satnogs