v.3 of the satnogs client is here and there are some big changes at hand:
Change in the executable name from satnogs-poller to satnogs-client (you will need to update this within supervisord configs or any other scripts you have)
Moving from rtl_fm to gr-satnogs, gnuradio based software receivers. This will allow us a greater range of SDR support and functionality beyond rtl_fm. However, this is also a new dependency and you will need to build and install https://github.com/satnogs/gr-satnogs
With this we have support for multiple receiver/demodulator scripts to better match different modes. v0.3 will allow for different scripts for CW and FM observations as well, more will come in future releases.
Also added is the generation of a waterfall image which is uploaded to network.
Currently supported SDR devices in this release are rtlsdr (default), airspy, hackrf, usrpb200.
redis is now required for message queuing in the backend and will need to be installed in older clients
A new web interface is now included to monitor status of the ground station or operate manual observations in a stand-alone mode. This interface is running on port 5000 and accessible via a web browser.
Various bugfixes
This represents 143 changes and almost 13 months of work. We have been very successful with this new client and the gr-satnogs scripts lately (check out the results at https://network.satnogs.org/observations/ ).
Next up for the development team is fully automating the decoding of telemetry data that is captured. The move to gnuradio allows more opportunities to make this happen. We have some users who are manually decoding the observations, the data for which are making it to http://db.satnogs.org/stats Visualizations will be added shortly as well. If you have experience in python or gnuradio and would like to help, let us know!
This is a huge milestone for satnogs! Congratulations to everyone involved in the release, and special thanks to @cshields, @fredy, @Acinonyx, @surligas, @Sleepwalker, ctriant for all the hard work to get us here!
Also a big thanks to @surligas, @PE0SAT and @csete who have helped us on the gr-satnogs side of this development, which makes up a huge piece of the functionality of this release!
The problem is that your main site satnogs.org is configured to force https through a HSTS header (which is a good thing). It is configured in such a way that it also includes sub-domains. The corresponding header looks like this:
Thus it also affects http://docs.satnogs.org which will automatically be upgraded to https by the browser. However the site does not server a valid certificate for docs.satnogs.org and thus the browser shows an error message. Additionally because of the HSTS header there is no way for the user to continue and override the certificate error‌.
Steps to reproduce in a clean browser profile (tested in Firefox and Chromium):
You should either remove the “includeSubDomains” from the HSTS header, however due to caching in the clients this may take a very long time, or as a better solution configure a valid certificate for docs.satnogs.org.
Thanks for reporting this @Maxi. Indeed the includeSubDomains on our HSTS setup caused some problems. Everything should be working fine now. We created a new valid certificate and we now proxy ReadTheDocs through our nginx.