SATNOGS client container not working & failed scheduled observations

Hey there, I am currently using Docker for my UHF/VHF ground station operations. For SATNOGS, I have 5 containers running i.e satnogs-client, rotctld, gpsd, rigctld and autoscheduler.

The rotctld, gpsd containers are running and working perfectly fine.
They have been tested and the rotators respond to any commands initiated in the ROTCTLD container.

The SATNOGS client container is running however the SATNOGS client is not performing its processes properly. On scheduling of the observation, SATNOGS fails to communicate with rotaters so the antennas dont turn hence observations fail.

I have tested the working of Docker and its working okay.

I have tried re-defining the SATNOGS environment parameters but still have no success with THE satnogs client.

Anything else I could try to fix the SATNOGS client error?

Please share config and log information

I can start by sharing a detail that might not be obvious. I am also running a rotator in docker, but I have it separated from the client stack but that makes no difference in this case.
When the first obs runs you can see it query the capabilities \dump_caps and that responds with the min/max az/el. which by default is pretty wild (wide) and messes with the control for some reason.
The key to making it work is to set the capabilities with the variable SET_CONF=min_az=0,max_az=360,min_el=0,max_el=180 (adjust for your specs).
I have not tried a -180 to 180 rotator yet so cannot tell if that works or not. the -client will only command 0-360 iirc.