Satellite Tracking With A (Used) DSLR Camera

Just a short update, after a couple of years :grimacing: of experimentation and practice, I can now produce very good observations of LEO satellites with an inexpensive and easily portable system. The key was a “shutter timer” build by a pal of mine in Austin, Texas (AJ Dormer) which very accurately gives me the time that the shutter opens and closes.

I have a used Nikon D300 camera and a 50mm lens (on a tripod of course) and connect the timer to my Mac laptop. Mike McCants confirms that my observations are accurate. So far I have tracked bright (magnitude 5 or so) satellites and have just started tracking dimmer (magnitude 10) satellites, hoping to track even dimmer ones in the cold winter ahead. I am going to try using a fixed focal length, longer, lens to get dimmer satellites.


Hi Charles,
nice to read :slight_smile: Can you share some of the images you where able to create ?


The photos are pretty dull, just a star field and a streak. You get the photo and then “resolve” it with and I use SAO Image DS9 to get the RA and Dec of the ends of the streak.

I have used three exposure durations so far - 5, 10, and 15 seconds.