According to CitGardens X, Sakura sent an APRS beacon on 145.825MHz from 2024/09/19 15:08-15:38(UTC).
The transmission started as scheduled, first report was observation #10268108 received by IK1JNS-VHF. Sakura says “Hello World! This is SAKURA.”, but recieved data was something strange.
CitGardens say: “The APRS beaconing will begin at around 06:50 (UTC) over North America and will last for approximately 30 minutes until it reaches South America.”
| 9/21 05:56-06:26 | North America - South America |
| 9/21 13:10-13:50 | Africa - Japan |
| 9/21 16:07-17:17 | South America - Australia |
| 9/22 07:43-08:03 | Inida - Japan |
| 9/22 13:33-14:43 | South America - Australia |
In the current mode, SAKURA has max wait time of 2min. If SAKURA does not recieve any message for 2min, APRS mode will be over.
I think this is probably the cause.
I understood that according to the schedule SAKURA will send programmed messages unsolicited (in 1 minute interval).
Did I get you right that we have to send a message first within 2 minutes after APRS mode has activated (times from schedule) and only then SAKURA will start sending out the programmed messages?
The digipeater was up and running today’s JA path.
Fm JI1IZR To CQ Via JS1YNI* <UI pid=F0 Len=36 PF=0 >[12:31:53]
=3521.15N\13917.30ESHello Via SAKURA
Fm JE1CVL To CQ Via JS1YNI* <UI pid=F0 Len=27 P=0 >[12:32:33]
:JI1IZR :Ur 599 de JE1CVL
Is the NORAD ID 60954? Because the Sakura schedule for 28th September (today) for south-east Asia doesn’t match any satellite pass over south-east Asia! (according to N2Y0 pass data for 60954, and N2Y0 says 60954 was launched in 1998…)