Today I did some sensitivity measurements comparing the SDRplay with various rtl-sdr receivers.
I was motivated to do this because I can get an almost perfect weather map from the NOAA satellites with my SDRplay, SDRuno & WxtoImg combo with my antennas but what I see via SatNOGS observations is very poor partial picture.
These tests were done without external LNA and without fancy test-equipment, just careful observations of the spectrum display. The SDRplay shows actual dbm results.
What I found is the noise floor is 30dbm better on the SDRplay. Signal to noise ratio 5dbm better on the SDRplay.
I have been experimenting with the gain settings via satnogs but they don’t seem to make much difference. Looking at other Observations from other Ground Stations I see very few which are much better than my omnidirectional stations with LNA4ALL preamps.
So the questions are, how can I improve sensitivity as there is little benefit in leaving stations running with mediocre results.
Is anybody working on the ability of using better SDRs than rtl-sdrs? I believe the SDRplay will run on Linux with Cubic SDR. Not a user-friendly GUI but it works on Linux.
I’m very happy with SDRpl;ay/SDRuno but I hate having to use Windows, it’s such a proverbial pain… once you get used to Linux.