Quick overview of SatNOGS-Network

Hi, I’d like to provide some introductory overview of the current state of the Network web app and latest devolpment efforts.

Code repository is located at Gihub.

Lately we are focusing on polishing the API to be ready for connecting with the satnogs-client. Our API is public at /api/ endpoint, but that’s read-only. In order to push observation data each Ground Station (actually the satnogs-client) needs to be authenticated. To achieve that the Network web app will provide each registered user with an API Token. This can be used by the Ground Station owners to authenticate them. Documentation pending and will be formalized when satnogs-client has reached the same level of functionality.

Ground Stations
In an effort to have a live production instance of SatNOGS Network as soon as possible we developed the forms required for creating/editing Ground Stations. Still needs some polishing, but all basic functionality is already there. We should be ready by the time we deploy our first Ground Station (hold your breath :)).

Besides better refining all these latest developments, we have many more things on our queue. Pick one and contribute :slight_smile: Check out the README file on how to get started.

Below is a graph of the current state of our models structure, that would hopefully give you a good overview of the app architecture (click to zoom).