Our satellite, PW-Sat2, is about finishing its mission in space! The main goal is to test drag sail device and during 2 years the PW-Sat2 lowered its orbit from 590 km to 380 km and remains operational.
We’re looking for the very last packets from the satellite!
But obviously we need your help! Be the hunter of the very last packet! Here on SatNOGS or on our website https://radio.pw-sat.pl/.
The beacon interval is 1 minute and it contains all vital telemetry.
Recently we started capturing photos from the on-board cameras every day to observe the drag sail during the decay. Some of the photos from the mission you can find here: https://pw-sat2.github.io Don’t miss updates on our Twitter, too!
It’s official that PW-Sat2 decayed. I feel a little bit empty right now, after two years that I spent on operating the satellite. Time for the next projects!