Hi @michal.drzal yes that is possible to have both. I am currently running both. Without a log file it is difficult to guess what goes wrong. Please check:
journalctl -f -u satnogs-client.service -n 500
The two lines of the post observation script look ok, to me. But If you don’t get *.s files then it must be in step 1 of my howto: Howto: Meteor M2 weather satellite image decoding Also I see in your failed observation a bandwith of +/- 20kHz, meaning the LRPT flowgraph was not running. It probably used a default FM or so.
When I updated the satnogs installation from 1.4 to 1.5.1, the file flowgraphs.py got overwritten. I needed to add the LRPT decoder again. Secondly, the 1.5 installation has a few new features, which breaks compatibility. I needed to add some arguments to the def argument_parser() in satnogs_lrpt_demod.py. Can you just check/redo step 1 of the Meteor Howto again? I had updated the first post to work with the new version.