Protocol error for rotator control througth hamlib

I’m running a YAESU G-5500 controller with a RS 232B on Linux -Debian10
While seting a postition with ‘P’ does not send command to my antenna. Getting error the position with ‘p’ does not work at all. Then I got this output

Rotator command: P 180 0
rotctl_parse: input_line: P 180 0
rot_set_position called
gs232b_rot_set_position called: 180.000000 0.000000
serial_flush called
write_block called
write_block(): TX 9 bytes
0000 57 31 38 30 20 30 30 30 0d W180 000.
read_string called
read_string(): RX 15 characters
0000 fe 18 ff 98 1e 18 33 30 18 ff 98 1e 18 33 f0 …30…3.

Rotator command: p
rotctl_parse: input_line: p
rot_get_position called
gs232b_rot_get_position called
serial_flush called
write_block called
write_block(): TX 3 bytes
0000 43 32 0d C2.
read_string called
read_string(): RX 8 characters
0000 fe 18 ff 98 1e 18 33 f0 …3.
get_pos: error = Protocol error

It will be grateful If someone can help to fix this issue.