I don’t understand the whole workflow of the SatNOGS thingy. Where can I put a new/-nother script after the audio is recorded? I want to try to implement wxtoimg for NOAA pictures.
I need a resampler to reduce the wider NOAA FM audio to a 44kHz audio that would be needed for wxtoimg.
sox infile.wav outfile.wav rate 11025 gain -6
The “gain -6” reduces volume by 6dB, because the level may be to high
for wxtoimg otherwise.
wxtoimg can only use wavs with 11025Hz samling rate.
Audio input files may be in either AU (.au), WAVE (.wav), or raw (8-bit unsigned or
16-bit signed LSB) format. The files must be encoded
in linear PCM format at 11025 samples per second.