While hunting for several BRO satellites, the following was observed on 401.744 transmitting 19K2 AX100 frames. QTH EM12jw. Helix antenna for RX.
Perhaps Chinese - TY41 (as in Tianye or TianQi lineage)
Good hunting all es 73,
While hunting for several BRO satellites, the following was observed on 401.744 transmitting 19K2 AX100 frames. QTH EM12jw. Helix antenna for RX.
Perhaps Chinese - TY41 (as in Tianye or TianQi lineage)
Good hunting all es 73,
Hi Bob,
Thanks for sharing this information.
Maybe you can try the TLE that belong to 2024-173
Looking at my STRF data, my best guess this is object 61231
Maybe you can give these TLE a try.
1 61231U 24173E 24338.49794334 .00004680 00000+0 22576-3 0 9995
2 61231 97.4116 50.1885 0001744 89.7936 270.3499 15.19169704 10635
For gr-satellites:
name: TY-41
norad: 61231
&tlm Telemetry:
&csp ccsds Telemetry:
telemetry: csp
4k8 FSK downlink:
frequency: 401.750e+6
modulation: FSK
deviation: 4800
baudrate: 19200
framing: AX100 ASM+Golay
- *tlm
- *csp
Of course Jan. My pleasure to try. Tks yml! Will report back.
Tracked a relatively low 61231 pass, but able to decode the strongest frame as TY41 using the provided yml file from an IQ playback.
TKS Jan. Hope others can also confirm TY41 has 61231.
If you are able to recorded an IQ with some strong signals, we can check if the deviation value is correct.
The 4800 is based on a rule of thumb bandrate/4
Satellite added in DB and scheduled in Network for the next two days.
I’ve added the transmitter as unconfirmed as we are not sure if it belongs to 61231 object, let’s find out the next hours/days.
By the way, was it a good fit using object 61231 ?
Thanks Daniel,
I saw that one of your station was successful in decoding TY-41.
Good to see the value is correct.
Thanks Everyone!!
yes it was