
Hi, since Jan 23 my 2m station 2925 was working very well. Now 2 days ago no more decoding!
I did check rf side to Pluto >> OK
I did check Pluto to ethernet >> OK (Pluto is conneted to Raspberry via eth.
I did check Raspberry to eth >> OK
I did check with “probe” connection to Pluto >> Fault (see picture)

I did write a image (the state where all was working well) to a new SD card and start Pi with it
I am getting the same error message
Any idea about this?
Thank you for support!

Hi Armin,
Can you run for example sdrpp on the Pi and try if the Pluto responds ?

Can you browse to the IP address of the Pluto and does it show it’s settings page ?


Hi Ben,

thank you for feedback.
I could not load the app sdrpp on the Pi.
With another app connected to windows the Pluto works well.
I can ping the Pluto via ETH from the Pi.
My understanding: With satnogs-setup I set all paramters for the Pluto
When an obeservation is active theses parameters are loaded to the Pluto


Yesterday I made a new setup with a new SD card. (Pi3+ with Pluto as SDR)

    After all was updated and upgraded I got the same segmentation fault using --probe
    Starting the Satnogs-monitor he was also not working as expected. Did not show future passes as sheduled. See picture:

Something is nore consistent but what??
Thank you for support!

step 1 and 2 looks good.
Why step 3 and not lsf packaged deb ?
step 4, does not work properly since the api pagination change.

Only step 3 would cause issues with soapy probe, not sure what you ran, but probe needs to have the address specified like SoapySDRUtil --probe="driver=plutosdr,hostname=" or what your setup has.

The output from SoapySDRUtil --info is also pretty useful to see how the drivers look.

Thank you for replay!
I do not understand this: and not lsf packaged deb
Please explain. (I am a retired rf-hardware engineer)
Thank you

When you run the ansible client, you will be using one of the repos in /repositories/home:/librespace: - openSUSE Download
That means the module will be available as for example in the arm64 arch:

$ apt search plutosdr
Sorting... Done
Full Text Search... Done
soapysdr-module-plutosdr/now 0.2.1-2 arm64 [installed,local]
  Soapy PlutoSDR - PlutoSDR device support for Soapy SDR.

soapysdr0.7-module-plutosdr/now 0.2.1-2 arm64 [installed,local]
  Soapy PlutoSDR - PlutoSDR device support for Soapy SDR.

I can have a look at packaging the 0.2.2 version as well.

Hi Daniel,
thank you for feedback!
I made a new system to test your suggested steps.
After my step 1 and 2 I got this.

–info seems for me correct
–find does not show a Pluto as not yet installed. But NO segementation fail!
Then I did chek with --probe

No pluto found but NO segmentaion fault. (Pluto driver not installed yet)
Then I did check explizit for the pluto which is On and on the net reacheable with ping and got this:

Correct as pluto driver not yet installed. But NO segmentation fault!
Then I started with the suggested steps.
Here what I got after step 1:

The text shown does not match to your text!
Then I did step 2 see here what I got:

Do you see where I made an error?

Firs off, super hard to read and not possible for me to refer to when you’re using images.
Use blockquotes and text instead.

sudo apt install soapysdr-module-plutosdr if the package isn’t installed yet.

When running SoapySDRUtil --info I get:
Available factories... airspy, audio, bladerf, hackrf, lime, miri, osmosdr, plutosdr, redpitaya, remote, rfspace, rtlsdr, sdrplay, soapyMiri, uhd

using --probe you need to specify the driver, and some drivers needs more parameters to actually select the hardware properly, as stated above.

Hi Daniel,
Thank you for feedback.
To be sure I took a new SD card.
I did just went thru these steps:

  1. Raspberry Pi - SatNOGS Wiki
  2. SatNOGS Client Setup - SatNOGS Wiki
    The client setup for Pluto SDR.
    Checks with --info --find --probe --probe =“driver=plutosdr,hostname=”
    I got answers which make sense as the driver for Pluto is not yet installed.
    But no fault at that time
  3. apt search plutosdr
    The response from system was not exact the same as on yours.
    But no fault at that time.
  4. sudo apt install soapysdr-module-plutosdr
    Went thru with no errors shown.
    Reboot the system
    Now again these checks with --info --find --probe --probe =“driver=plutosdr,hostname=”
    With --find and --probe and --probe="driver…
    I got no answer but the message segmenation fault.

This is exaclty the same situation which I had with the systen which was running 1 1/2 year successful and from one day to another did no more work.
Also on this system I got the same message segmentaion fault when I did the checks.

I did test with another PI same result.
I did test the Pluto with other software is OK.

Best regards

That is pretty odd, I am running that exact version and it works fine:

-- Device identification
  backend_version=0.24 (git tag: v0.24  )
  hw_model=Analog Devices PlutoSDR Rev.B (Z7010-AD9364)
  library_version=0.21 (git tag: v0.21)

Although I am not running the latest 0.38 firmware on my pluto.
Maybe try updating to 0.37 or 0.38 ?
I am running this under docker, but that should not make much of a difference.
If you don’t know what version you are running, ssh into it and it is in the welcome message:

Welcome to:
______ _       _        _________________
| ___ \ |     | |      /  ___|  _  \ ___ \
| |_/ / |_   _| |_ ___ \ `--.| | | | |_/ /
|  __/| | | | | __/ _ \ `--. \ | | |    /
| |   | | |_| | || (_) /\__/ / |/ /| |\ \
\_|   |_|\__,_|\__\___/\____/|___/ \_| \_|


for completeness, I updated mine to 0.38 and the --probe is still working.

-- Device identification
  backend_version=0.25 (git tag: v0.25  )
  hw_model=Analog Devices PlutoSDR Rev.B (Z7010-AD9364)
  library_version=0.21 (git tag: v0.21)

Hi Daniel,

than you for feed abck:
The Pluto had fw V 0.35 and now V0.38
– probe still does show segmentation fault.

So, assuming nothing is broken physically, what has changed ?

Does this spew out a lot of info ? iio_info -u ip:

$ iio_info -u ip:
Library version: 0.21 (git tag: v0.21)
Compiled with backends: local xml ip usb serial
WARNING: Unknown parameter '0' in <context>
WARNING: Unknown parameter '25' in <context>
WARNING: Unknown parameter 'v0.25' in <context>
IIO context created with network backend.
Backend version: 0.25 (git tag: v0.25  )
Backend description string: Linux (none) 5.15.0-175882-ge14e351533f9 #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Nov 17 10:23:58 CET 2023 armv7l
IIO context has 9 attributes:
        hw_model: Analog Devices PlutoSDR Rev.B (Z7010-AD9364)
        hw_model_variant: 1
        hw_serial: 1044739659930001efff0e003d35296116
        fw_version: v0.38
        ad9361-phy,xo_correction: 39999982
        ad9361-phy,model: ad9364
        local,kernel: 5.15.0-175882-ge14e351533f9
        uri: ip:

You could also have a look at the info page it has:

Hi Daniel,
Thank you for feedback.
No success with iio_info…
Then I did install Iibiio.
Then I did install libad9361-iio
Still the same error (segmenation fault at --probe…)
Then I found this at this adress:

:warning: Important note

Currently the main branch of this repository does not support the new v1.0 API of libiio.

If you want to build libad9361-iio please use the libad9361-iio-v0 branch that supports the old v0.x API, that can be found on the libiio-v0 branch or as packages on the release section of the libiio repository.
After installing the branch to “old” libiio-v0 all the command with --probe…
does show the Pluto again!
Here something did happen…
Best regards