Pi3 to hot / to slow ./ to busy?

Hi, last week I made a little change to station 1441 , my 403 MHz home station. I changed the antenna, it was connected to the LogPer which I need monday so I connected it to the horizontal single 380-420 MHz dipole. Scheduled some obs, which all failed. The satellite signals where visible, but not doppler corrected and my local birdies all where straight lines.

So I did the usual update, upgrade, satnogs-setup updae, apply and after that reboot.

Scheduled some more obs, which look better but still most of the satellites have a “bump” in there observations.

This one looks great:

But this one does not


Neither does this one

It’s about 36 degrees celcius where the Pi is hanging around.

Any idea what to check ?


pe2bz@raspberrypi:~ $ cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp

which makes 62 degrees Celsius

The doppler mismatch could be the clock on the pi being off.

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