PCBs in PDF format?


I have been attempting to print a transparency of the v1 controller and PSU boards so I can etch them, but I’m struggling… I can’t get KiCAD to open the .sch and .bdr files, and have attempted to open the Gerbers in at least 3 different viewers but none of them shows anything. I have designed and sent my own boards to seeedstudio in the past, so I am not entirely stupid :smile:

I would be grateful if someone could export both boards to scale to a PDF file so I can print them to a transparency sheet and etch them. Perhaps it would be a good idea to add said PDF to github as well…

Thanks in advance,


The v1 controller and PSU are developed in eagle, so you can not open with KiCAD. The new version (master branch) are developed in KiCAD.

The Gerber files you can open with gerbv. If you still have problem, tell us.

Doh… :smile:

It opens fine in Eagle. Might want to add that to the readme in the v1 repository. Thanks for the help!

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