Orbital activities

here are the race results


I haven’ t been able to record one single code, i always had the “code already used” message. I’ m sure it’s because of @dl7ndr being ahead of me each time :smiling_face_with_tear: :smile:


You’ve found the culprit (-:

On my side, only 5 from a total of 11 code words were accepted.

But you can still (until today) send your code words to the UMKA telescope satellite team to get a special eQSL.


Yeap, i have done that already :slight_smile:

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Unfortunately for me, all passes over me were at low elevation, and thanks to nearby hills, the received data bursts were too weak to decode…


UMKA-1 RS40S - 38 points - Winner!
VIZARD-METEO - 28 points

Among the fans:

1st place - Roland Marcel Zurmely/PY4ZBZ, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Received from UMKA - 5 messages (Total - 8 messages)
2nd place - Sergey Bazanov /R2APU, Vladimir region, Russia. Received from UMKA - 4 messages. (Total - 10 messages)
3rd place:

Overall score – “Cubesat receiving dream team”.
The team includes: R2FAL Kaliningrad, R6DWQ Krasnodar, R3TM Nizhny Novgorod, R2SCN Ryazan, R2SDV Ryazan, SWL Elisia St. Petersburg, Russia. Received from UMKA - 4 messages (Total - 7 messages)

In the individual competition, 3rd place was shared by:

Alexey /RA9YVO, Altai region, Russia. Received from UMKA - 4 messages (Total - 6 messages)
Juan Jesús Ramos Vicied /CM6JVR, Sancti Spiritus, Cuba. Received from UMKA - 4 messages (Total - 6 messages)

We will contact the winners to present diplomas!
:sparkling_heart:Thank you for your participation and we look forward to seeing you in the next space races! :checkered_flag:


I only received 1 code & had the same issue with code already being used. Vizard-Meteo had two very good passes but I could not get the sound modem to decode anything.