Hello everyone, Thank you for your welcoming community
I am keenly interested in performing Orbit Determination using the SatNOGS data, at scale.
I’m an orbital analyst using Orekit for several years now. The purpose of the orbit determination will be for space domain awareness tasks.
I am aware of several posts and key people that may be able to help me in this forum, I look forward to your help! I am also a member of the Orekit community forum, and have been following all efforts to do OD with SatNOGS data here, here, and here. I am starting off in this forum, since my understanding of SatNOGS’ network capability is limited!
Starting off with:
- This forum’s post on Doppler shift calculation, where @cgbsat and @michal.drzal hint towards solutions on how to get the doppler curves.
- This forum’s post on performing OD in collaboration with Celestrak, with a lot of knowledgeable people ( @luckyjunknowitz , @jebba and others…).
- The fact that the above posts are more than 6 months old
- This 4-year old Youtube video from @Noeljanes discussing his efforts using Orekit and how Doppler curves were not readily available back then from any of the SatNOGS antennas, but instead some antennas were handpicked to do the job because their post processing workflow was properly adapted to suit the purpose.
- I do not own a SatNOGS station yet, nor do I have access to a cooperating satellite.
I would like to ask:
A. As of April 2024, is it possible to extract Doppler curves directly from the SatNogs network, from any antenna? The goal is to convert the Doppler measurements to range rate measurements. Those, along with the initial TLE of the observation and the ground station coordinates and biases will be the input to OD.
B. If the doppler measurements of each pass are available in the db, where would I be able to find documentation on how to correctly parse it? I see people talking about observation artifacts. What are those? The audio recording? The waterfall image? Any other downloadable resource?
C. I’ve noticed that Noel, in his project, had good knowledge of the collaborating antenna’s offsets, biases, and other information that will help nail down that OD accuracy. He seems to have this information in configuration files. Is there a transparent (i.e. API-exposed) process where all SatNOGS antennas are somehow calibrated with beacon satellites and precision ephemerides to calibrate the SatNOGS antennas? Are the calibration biases available to users? I’m sorry for not being familiar with the system…
D. To the best of your knowledge, would the current state of SatNOGS observables lead to relatively good OD solutions? What would be the missing piece? Antenna calibration maintenance? Is this even possible at scale, and decentralized? Just to start with a simple benchmark, any OD residuals lower than the known SGP4 propagation error growth would be loosely called good.
Any piece of advice will be greatly appreciated Thank you for all your work!