Obtaining permission to build dashboards

I am interested in experimenting with dashboard construction. How do I gain the user permissions to do so?

Thanks in advance.


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PM me your registered email address and I will escalate your privileges. I can give some hints, too.

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Ok, that was not as private as expected :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Working on it! Please login to the SSO System used on all our pages and visit the grafana dashboards at least once while logged in!

Hello @DL4PD , I also want to make a dashboard for our upcoming cubesat (MySat-2). Can you also give me persmissions? hamze.j.i@gmail.com (I know that’s not private either, but I’m in a rush here :sweat_smile:)

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First of all you need to login into the dashboard website and after that I can escalate you privileges!

I did login with the same email.

@DL4PD Any updates on this?

Sorry those were busy times.
I just added you to the Scratchpad Editors team.
You are free to build a dashboard inside the Scratchpad folder.
Once you are ok to have it publicly available just let me know and I will place it in “Telemetry”. This will automatically make it availbale publicly. Of course you will still be able to edit this after moving.

By the way: Is there a a satnogs-decoder already available for MySat-2?

Thank you so much!
Regarding the decoder, I’m working on it, but the beacon structure itself is still under development, so I won’t submit the decoder (and of course the dashboard) until we finish developing the the cubesat and agree on the telemetry and beacon.

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it would be good to have an early view on your decoder - so you could probably push a MR marked as “Draft”. This would make the available time to fix basic mistakes bigger.

Let me know if I can be of help on any topic…

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@DL4PD I’m sorry if this is not the right place to post this but I want to somehow let the SatNogs community know that MeznSat changed its datarate to 4800. How can I relay that information to the stations?

@hamzeissa you can indicate this change by suggesting the necessary changes (active/inactive transmitter) on the satellite transmitters page in db.satnogs.org. If the transmitter with that baudrate doesn’t exist, please create a new one. Let us know if you have any issues on following this process.


@fredy Thanks a lot for the info. I added the new 4800 transmitter as “active” and set the previous 2400 as inactive. Now waiting for the moderator’s confirmation


Hi, I am also interested to build dashboard, How do I gain user permissions to do?
I did login with same email in LSF and Grafana
email: pavani.mundra@studentmail.unicas.it

Thanks in advance
Thank You

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Which satellites are you interested in?

Thanks for the Immediate response.

I am interested in Mitee Satellite, because Mitee is more similar to our satellite, we are planning to use satnogs platform.
We are collecting all the requirements to collaborate with satnogs.

Do I require a ground station to create a dashboard?
Please provide me access to create the dashboard.

Thank You

Hi @pavanimundra apparently my email about your request hasn’t reached you.

Please create an issue in the following address:

In the issue description, please provide details for the satellite and the satellite team you are working with in the issue, and make sure you are already logged-in at https://dashboard.satnogs.org (p.s: no need to share your IP :wink: )
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I am also interested to build dashboard for QMR-KWT CubeSat for OrbitalSpace Team, How do I gain user permissions to do?
I did login with the same email in Grafana
email: Nourah.Alfialy@gmail.com
