Observation 9829127: CatSat (99164) Possible Frequency/TLE Change

Regarding Observation 9829127


This is Shae from the CatSat team - we’re interested in scheduling some passes tonight using the TLE of Object H, 2024-125H (60210). We’ve been using Object F, the 2024-125F TLE, as seen in this pass, but haven’t been getting any signals.

It’s likely that our satellite didn’t deploy with the others, and we would like to track the launch vehicle to try and pick up our signal. However, the LV is now listed as object H from the launch (it used to be A, before Celestrak updated the TLEs). Right now, the KUbeSat satellite is using the H TLE; is there a way to change the frequency for a pass, so that if we schedule the Object H TLE we can monitor at CatSat’s frequency?
(There might be an easy fix to this I’m not aware of, I’m new to scheduling passes on SatNOGS).

Thank you, please let me know!

Hi Shae and welcome in the community.

Thanks for the info and the note that KUbeSat was following the LV TLE.

I’ve changed both KUbeSat and CatSat NORAD to follow and I’m going to re-schedule observations for both of them for the next 48h.

Re-scheduling is done!

Hi Fredy,

Great, thank you so much - I really appreciate it!


Hi Shae,

Is there any update on the Object #/tle set for CATSAT or CATSAT status? Decodes seem very elusive here. What are you folks using for a GS?

TKS es 73,

In the DB you can see the current TLE and it’s source.
My GS 1888 is using tracking 30el X-yagi, recent observation