Observation 9684537: Global-14 (49469)

Regarding Observation 9684537

Why did the data collected during the observation after a week fail and cannot be opened again? the information written is that it failed, and the data did not come out.

------------[ copy here ]------------
“versions”: {
“satnogs-client”: “1.8.1”,
“satnogs-client-ansible”: “202209101521”,
“satnogs-flowgraphs”: “1.4-1”,
“gr-satnogs”: “”,
“gr-soapy”: “”,
“gnuradio”: “”,
“satnogs-config”: “0.13.2”
“state”: {
“is-applied”: true,
“pending-tags”: null
“system”: {
“date”: “2024-06-20T09:06:36.562447+00:00”,
“distribution”: {
“DESCRIPTION”: “Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)”,
“RELEASE”: “11”,
“CODENAME”: “bullseye”,
“ID”: “Raspbian”
“pending-updates”: false,
“platform”: {
“system”: “Linux”,
“node”: “raspberrypi”,
“release”: “6.1.21-v7+”,
“version”: “#1642 SMP Mon Apr 3 17:20:52 BST 2023”,
“machine”: “armv7l”
“memory”: {
“total”: 966750208,
“available”: 787410944,
“percent”: 18.6,
“used”: 118194176,
“free”: 364171264,
“active”: 369557504,
“inactive”: 156839936,
“buffers”: 43962368,
“cached”: 440422400,
“shared”: 729088,
“slab”: 45473792
“disk”: {
“total”: 15339065344,
“used”: 4523397120,
“free”: 10138198016,
“percent”: 30.9
“configuration”: {
“hamlib_utils_rot_enabled”: true,
“hamlib_utils_rot_opts”: “-m 204 -s 19200 -r /dev/ttyACM0 -C timeout=200”,
“satnogs_antenna”: “RX”,
“satnogs_api_token”: “[redacted]”,
“satnogs_artifacts_api_token”: “[redacted]”,
“satnogs_dev_args”: “serial”,
“satnogs_log_level”: “DEBUG”,
“satnogs_rf_gain”: “SoapySDRUtil --probe”,
“satnogs_rot_baud”: “9600”,
“satnogs_rot_model”: “ROT_MODEL_NETROTCTL”,
“satnogs_rot_port”: “localhost:4533”,
“satnogs_rx_bandwidth”: “24000”,
“satnogs_rx_samp_rate”: “2.048e6”,
“satnogs_soapy_rx_device”: “driver=rtlsdr”,
“satnogs_station_elev”: “665”,
“satnogs_station_id”: “3587”,
“satnogs_station_lat”: “-6.975504”,
“satnogs_station_lon”: “107.6293934”
------------[ copy end ]-------------

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Good morning,
Let see info find here:

  • SatNOGS Network - Observations
    and here
  • SatNOGS Network - Ground Station Tel-U Ground Station
    As you can see, on June 12, during 16:22 - 16:45 UTC your station was offline, so your station was not able to transmit anything to the server.
    Your station was entering in offline status at 10:45 UTC and re-enter in online status next morning (June 13) at 07:02 UTC.
    Is mandatory during the reception the station to be online, including few minutes after, to transmit to the server the data from satellites.
    Cristian - YO4DFT
    P.S. - I dont understand why you have “satnogs_rf_gain”: “SoapySDRUtil --probe”, ? What model of SDR are you using ?

RTL-SDR V3 sir

Actually, how does the process and step-by-step of satellite data acquisition work?

After testing the satellite data acquisition, the audio meta data and waterfall appeared at night. However, after a week, when I checked again, the data failed.

@nhanifah13 Why did you put this value?


I guess you were confused by this description here:


RF Gain value for your SDR hardware.

Run SoapySDRUtil --probe to see all possible gain values for your hardware. Example: For RTL-SDR without pre-amp, 32.8 is a good starting value. Follow Setting the gain to find a good gain value.

So for the SATNOGS_RF_GAIN you either run in command line the command SoapySDRUtil --probe and you get numeric values that your SDR support, or you put directly numeric values, as the example say for your rtlsdr you can start with the value 32.8.

Please read carefully the following page

Run SoapySDRUtil --probe to see all possible gain values for your hardware. Example: For RTL-SDR without pre-amp, 32.8 is a good starting value. Follow Setting the gain to find a good gain value.

So, my advice is to check all the settings according the documention.

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First, please check the correct installation.
Please run
$ systemctl status satnogs-client
and read following: