Observation 963701: Lucky-7 (44406)

Regarding Observation 963701

well this Observation got a mention over on Twitter from SkyFoxLabs (Lucky-7) i just want to share their explanation:

SatNOGS is fun.

73 Oliver


a question to receive LUCKY-7 what do I have to install to see images thanks,
How do I see images Lucky-7 has an image decoder?


Another question, how can I convert an ogg file to bin, using gr_satellites or something else?

If your goal is the get an image, it isn’t necessary to create a bin, gr-satellites is already able to create the image as can be seen by looking at the yaml file:

name: Lucky-7
norad: 44406
  &tlm Telemetry:
  &image Image:
    image: lucky7
  4k8 FSK downlink:
    frequency: 437.525e+6
    modulation: FSK
    baudrate: 4800
    deviation: 4800
    framing: Lucky-7
    - *tlm
    - *image

Running gr_satellites to decode the mage:

gr_satellites 44406 --wavfile filename.wav --samp_rate 48000

The ogg file conversion can be done with the help of ffmpeg.

ffmpeg -i filename.ogg filename.wav

Thanks for your reply! After running the command below on the observation SatNOGS Network - Observation 10406553 I get an empty kiss file. Is there something wrong with the command?

gr_satellites 44406 --wavfile satnogs_10406553_2024-10-16T16-38-04.wav --samp_rate 48000 --kiss_out lucky-7.kss

I also gave it a try and it seem there isn’t enough SNR