Observation 8908367: ZHUHAI-1 OVS-1B (42759)

Regarding Observation 8908367

I am receiving signals as seen in the waterfall. But the observation gets marked that it needs manual rating. Even though I get few lines of Data, but still in almost all observations, I get the same remark that the manual rating is required.
Can anyone please guide to optimize this.


Hi, your observations for 42759 do not show the actual satellite CW transmissions. They would have shown as one vertical (dotted) line because of the doppler compensation. What you see is some local signal (QRM, QRN ) which is shifted because of the doppler correction. Sometimes those signals get a decode as CW but there is no clear text, that is why CW observations still have to be manually vetted. (bad in this case)

Just to show you on another satellite:
SatNOGS Network - Observation 8914470