Observation 8824704: BDSAT-2 (55098) msg is not showing in tlm Grafana?

Regarding Observation 8824704
I have changed the message transmitted from sat to celebrate 1 year in orbit, the message is received in this observation but it is not shown between the received packets in tlm Grafana, and it therefore did not get into ASCII Telemetry text window. I havent used any new special characters in the message, both - and ! were allready used succesfully in previous messages. Any suggestions?
Thank you Tomas OK2PNQ

OK0BDT>CQ:BDSAT-2 Team celebrates 1 year in orbit!
2024-01-04 09:41:00|86A240404040609E96608488A86103F042445341542D32205465616D2063656C656272617465732031207965617220696E206F7262697421|8824704|PE0SAT-21-JO21mr

OK0BDT>CQ:Hello from BDSAT-2 team, digipeating enabled on both VHF and UHF!
2024-01-03 20:45:46|86A240404040609E96608488A86103F048656C6C6F2066726F6D2042445341542D32207465616D2C206469676970656174696E6720656E61626C6564206F6E20626F74682056484620616E642055484621||ESL_lab_Brno-JN89gf

I don’t see any difference except for the text.

For further investigation I would check how the panels ASCII Telemetry and Transmitted message process the packets.