Observation 7435083: UPMSat 2 (46276)

Regarding Observation 7435083

Here is something that I do not understand: why was UNISAT-7 decoded in an UPMSat-2 observation?
UNISAT-7 is supposed to transmit at 9600bps ax.25 (IARU uncoordinated object), while UPMSat-2 is transmitting at 1200bps. Is there any mismatch in the data base or could it be my fault because I am using satnogs_gr-satellites?


The data is not from gr_satellites, all those ends with _g*
I think the culprit here is the lack of baud in the transmitters entry: SatNOGS DB - UPMSat 2
and the fsk flowgraph defaulting to 9k6

Ok, I see.
I did not know the flowgraph FSK was 9600 by default.

Thank you.