Observation 7009174: EPIC CHIMERA LEO 1 (99209)

HI Vi3wroy4l,

I need to send to contact you regardin an observation. I am not sure how can I send you a direct message. Sorry for using this post.

We are interested in the raw IQ recs of this observation


In case you have recorded them.
Thanks in advance

Hello Martin, unfortunately I have not enabled recording of the files. I have read a thread that the stations by default do not have this enabled and I haven’t done that step as described in the instructions for doing so, sorry.

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Hi Rick,

Thank you for your response!

Would it be possible for you to activate IQ recordings for some future passes?


I’ve moved the posts above to a new topic as they were offtopic.

About activating IQ recordings, just to mention that it will need the station to take care of the handling of the IQ files, meaning renaming, editing, storing etc.

By the way, @martinh can you give us more details about the satellite transmissions?

  1. When is expected to transmit?
  2. With what interval and what power?
  3. Can you share any details on how to decode the signal?

By the way the signal on the observation above doesn’t seem to fit any object of the published ones by NORAD. This doesn’t mean something as we wait more objects to be published but it could be an indication that the signal belongs to another satellite.

Also from a quick analysis with ikhnos on the known in DB satellites that transmit at that frequency, the signal (interval, size, power, frequency) seems to fit very well this satellite SatNOGS DB - Object B which was above the station at the same time.

Regarding EPIC CHIMERA LEO 1 obs SatNOGS Network - Observation 7046545

The signal in the waterfall can be decoded with a GOMspace decoder.

82 A2 BB 00 EB 90 01 00 00 01 00 90 C2 73 7B A9 A7 0C EC 4B C8 34 3E C7 3E 97 54 32 FC 0C B5 F1 8B 47 76 84 33 46 69 E7 1C 99 A6 21 49 9B BE CD 53 54 10 E3 F5 19 86 CE D4 5B B6 A7 EB 7E C6 0A A3 02 71 14 75 06 F6 EE 0F 4D 81 FB 3F BC F4 6A C2 22 08 04 7E 5C 8B 35 FD FE 88 86 38 0C C0 F3 A3 AD EC 62 32 D9 68 FA 25 C1 AA 37 0E 60 7F 9D 0A 00 D0 91 E3 73 5D 37 84 B9 B5 AD E1 18 86 8B 43 E7 94 9B 22 A0 B9 02 96 E2 06 95 F9 DB B4 43 42 FE 60 DC 2D 5C BD F0 C0 5A BB AF 76 5F 37 95 C6 96 BC 73 94 B3 C4 36 6B C5 02 A2 DD EA 0E 38 DD A3 E9 08 BD 8D 31 B7 13 F0 A3 64 51 30 14 F0 9B 58 E6 F7 41 81 FA FC 8F 60 48 2A 

This isn’t in line with 1k2 G3RUH as mentioned by the team.

@martinh Please share some details on the radio used by EPIC CHIMERA LEO 1

Using the TLE from space-track for object 43835 and fitting it to Observation 7046545, as we shared via our #satnogs matrix channel, yielded the following results:

1 43835U          23014.20174576  .00000000  00000-0  64271-3 0    01
2 43835  97.4849  91.1717 0013590 170.1455 275.1811 15.14212796    06
# 20230118.44-20230118.44, 74 measurements, 0.026 kHz rms

Plot by @cgbsat :

To validate this new TLE is against a different “good” Observation of EPIC CHIMERA LEO 1, I selected Observation 7032120 with the following results:

Thus, whatever the object in Observation 7046545 and 7032120 is, we can track it with this new TLE.