Observation 6836457: Geoscan-Edelveis (53385)

Regarding Observation 6836457

Hj all.
How do i get my station to decode this sat?
73 George SM0IKR

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Hello, I believe it’s discussed in the below Satnogs thread. Hope it helps.

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Hello, thank you very much for the interest in receiving our satellite.
I have been able to decode our satellite in SatNOGS after installing satnogs_gr-satellites by @SA2KNG on our station. Here is installation tutorial and repo satnogs_gr-satellites/INSTALL.md at main · kng/satnogs_gr-satellites · GitHub
Also I see that your station is on version 1.6 there is a version 1.8.1 available which is based on bullseye SatNOGS Client Setup - SatNOGS Wiki.


There’s also the possibility to install clean bullseye and run everything on docker, this requires a lot less work and is pretty easy to do. Guide and make sure to use the :addons tag


Thanks all. I do not have satnogs-gr installed yet.
Also i am not on Bullseye but slowly getting there. :slight_smile:
Thanks Daniel for the link to the guide (and for QSO Tevel-3) will make a new SD-card with it on.
73 George

Ha, I looked up the qso list and sure enough, I thought I recognized that call :stuck_out_tongue: TY & 73

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