Observation 3644412: OPS-SAT (44878)

Regarding Observation 3644412

any idea on why the signal may be so faint? All I’ve seen that is different in my metadata from other observations (Obs 3643776, taken 1h before) is the ppm (I have a null value, I will set it next time I access the ground station, but would that affect the signal that much?). Moreover, I have externally powered LNAs and BPFs on the antenna; I do know the BPFs would affect observations if the frequency is out of the band, but it is not. Any ideas?

Telecommunications are hard.


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It’s matter of dinamic range representation: your waterfall ( Waterfall Autorange =True in satnogs-setup --> Advanced --> Waterfall settings ) is larger than 60dB.
Try to set Autorange == False, than set minimum/maximum values in the same place.
These settings are nice to “fix” your scale and then all the other observation are confrontable along time.
My setup has minimum -90 and maximum -60, that seems adeguate with my system ( #311), with omni antenna + LNA.
Some fine tuning and your waterfall would be more beautiful :wink:

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Thank you! I’ll put some time into that. Would that affect data upload? In my testing I’m considering success the ability to get data from a satellite rather than by seeing the object on the waterfall… It may be overkill but I’m trying to make sure it’s a robust and well-tuned setup.

Your issue is not to do with auto-ranging, at least not on this observation. There is just no signal. Twiddling with the auto-range settings so the waterfall ‘looks good’ is not actually fixing your stations performance issues.

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@vk5qi: Mark, if I’m not wrong Obs [3643776] actually HAS signal…
Neverthless I agree with your consideration abt twiddling with the autorange settings :slight_smile: :laughing:

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