Observation 356325: SNUGLITE (99927)

Regarding Observation 356325

Hello, I’m a member of SNUGLITE team in Seoul National University in Korea.
Thank you for your interests in SNUGLITE beacon signals.
I really appreciate that you have been track the satellite and upload many audio files.
The satellite signal is strong when I track ‘object AC’.
Therefore, I recommend all of you tracking object AC if you try to receive beacon signals.

Also the SNUGLITE homepage(https://snuglite1.wixsite.com/website) has telemetry information.
On the other hand, thanks to Mike (DK3WN ), the forwarder and decoding program was uploaded.
The data will be used for research of ‘Earth quake detection’, ‘Space Environment Observation’ and so on.
If you send the data or upload the data by SATNOGS, we will really appreciate it. In addition, if we use one of your data for our paper, we will give you certificate that we utilize the data in our paper.
Please keep on eyes on SNUGLITE.


Hello @snuglite,

I’ve updated the TLE we use for SNUGLITE to "object AC’ and I’ve also scheduled a couple of observations.

Thanks for the info, please keep us informed if there is any update.


Thank Fready for your efforts!
I’ll tell you any updates:)