Observation 3529063: PIC-B (99761)

Regarding Observation 3529063

This is the most promising observation of PIC-B, and the station had a very similar one for PIC-A. I haven’t seen any new observations from this station since this one. Is it not getting good enough passes?

Those are definitely ground transmissions you are seeing there.

Which are totally to be expected since this is a station in US, where ISM is 902-928Mhz.
Which in turn makes the choice of frequency for this satellite, poor to say the least.

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Even worse… In many other parts of the world it’s a mobile phone band!

Agree that the choice of frequency was poor. I’m confused why those are definitely ground transmissions though. Do all SatNOGS ground stations automatically account for the expected doppler and that explains the doppler curve? If so that makes sense, and I didn’t realize that was the case. I thought the doppler curve meant that that was definitely a satellite transmission.

Spot on - the waterfalls you see in all observations are post-doppler-correction (corrected using whatever TLE is used for the observation).

If a signal moves from a low frequency to a high frequency during an observation, then it’s most likely a local signal (at a fixed frequency). If the signal does a bit of a ‘wobble’ during the observation, then it’s likely from a satellite, though not the one the observation is looking at.
If the signal is just a straight line down the waterfall, then it’s been properly doppler corrected, and is coming from the object of interest.


Thank you! Good to know.

Some examples here https://wiki.satnogs.org/Operation#Vetting%20artifacts

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Here’s some info on PIC-A and PIC-B:

Keep looking up? HI
