Observation 3469257: NOAA 9 (15427)

Regarding Observation 3469257 …Do the horizontal lines in the waterfall constitute valid telemetry? They do not seem to be disturbed by Doppler frequency affects.

And, in your response, PLEASE spare me Another lecture about reading the documentation - just send a simple answer to my question. If that is too much to ask, just delete my account

Telemetry and signals from spacecraft are generally going to appear as vertical lines, especially if it is continuous.

In this case, NOAA 9 is an old satellite. Looking through previous observations of NOAA 9 (a good way to try and figure out if what you are seeing is the satellite signal vs local noise), the beacon signal is intermittent, and weak. You can see it in this observation: https://network.satnogs.org/observations/3461392/

There is possibly a brief glimpse of it in your observation around 250 seconds, but given it’s weak, I’m unsure if it’s not just local noise. A J-pole probably isn’t ideal for satellite observations.
Compare your observation of CAS-4A (a good benchmark satellite): https://network.satnogs.org/observations/3468961/
to the same satellite observed using an ‘omnidirectional’ eggbeater: https://network.satnogs.org/observations/3464245/

As for your comment about documentation… well, it’s there for a reason. If it’s not sufficient, then constructive criticism on how it can be improved (or even better - helping improve it!) would be more useful than just deleting your account.