Observation 2311460: FUNCUBE-1 (39444)


My reception look good but the automatic decoding fail.
I reach to decode some frame with the funcube software by using the audio file availabe.
Regarding Observation 2311460

Maybe I have a problem on my station?
I never reach to decode BPSK, AFSK, GMSK …

Thank you in advance for your help

There is no inbuilt decoder in SatNOGS for the Funcube-specific telemetry (yet).

Mark VK5QI

Maybe did you know if it is possible to install one. I thake the exemple with the Funcube. I only rech to decode APT and CW

On my system I don’t found the file satnogs_bpsk_demod.py


I can see that some stations are able to decode Funcube and Jysat. For exemple:

What needs to be done to make this decode work with SatNOGS?

The answer is in this thread:

I don’t see the answer

Yes, the answer is not in that thread. Instead, the answer comes from this thead: Integrating gr-satellites into SatNOGS

A few users are experimenting with adding UDP output into satnogs-flowgraphs, to feed data into gr-satellites. The resultant packets gr-satellites decodes are then uploaded as observation artefacts.

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