Observation 10851541: BDSAT-2 (55098)

Regarding Observation 10851541
I looked into Grafana for our BDSAT-2 and I found problematic behavior of this station, but not only. It seems that it sends some received packets twice with some 6-8s difference. It can be seen on OBC tlm frames. This can be found at other stations during this pass, best seen in grafana for OBC and solar temperatures. I do not see it in original packets received by myself at our station during the same time, so probably some kind of network problem.
Best regards and 73! Tomas OK2PNQ

This is a well known issue, it has to do with gr-satellites running in parallel with the flowgraph demodulator. some sats are well supported by satnogs, some are not.
it all began at Integrating gr-satellites into SatNOGS - #20 by SA2KNG

Ok, thanks for the reply, so as I see it grafana has some time window in which it mitigates the duplicit packets coming from different stations, but it fails when it is from the same station or delayed too much. I can live with that…

for reference BDSat-2.
difference between stations can be in the tens of seconds, I noticed when I worked on the geoscan-edelveis image decoding. iirc mostly in the 10-30s range but up to a minute sometimes. I would guess that 5-10s is too low, 30-60s would probably de-duplicate almost all such occurrences.
maybe raise an issue in db to solve it on a higher level ?