Non-automatic Observation Scheduling

Hello, we have a newly operational VHF/UHF station at University of Bristol. We’d love to make it available to satNOGS, but unfortunately the automatic client is not allowed by our IT department.

My question is whether satNOGS has any capacity for a semi-automatic, ‘man-in-the-middle’ style scheduling system available or in development, where users could request observations as usual, but these must be approved by the operator to actually be executed. This could even be as stand off as an observation request being sent via email to the operator to then execute.

Thanks all!

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Hi and welcome (:

I’d say running all the services yourself in a self contained ecosystem would be the straightforward solution. There is already examples of separate networks, although publicly available in the same manner as satnogs is today.
I’m not sure how popular and used this will be, only one way to find out (:

If the problem is the IT department and the issue is connectivity, find another ISP for the station ?
Or, show them the code, it is all available, and let them decide if it is safe or not.