New RPi hat maybe ideal for multi-frequency ground station

Being able to build a multi-frequency capable ground station may have just become easier to achieve. The crowd-funded Caribou Lite is a twin receiver that fits directly onto a Raspberry Pi. It is built with a sub-gigahertz receiver and a 30 MHz to 6 GHz receiver, both on the same hat, and each with its own antenna connection. The SoapySDR API is fully supported as well. Deliveries start in October 2022.
It is well beyond my level of skill to do get this working with a SatNOGS client, but I’m sure there are many people who can. Perhaps someone can take up this opportunity because this device would very much simplify building a high-frequency ground station, and it’s also not horrendously expensive. You can find out more here: and yes, I have ordered one!

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AFAICT, it has an ICE40 FPGA programmed with yosys toolchain (libre). Gerbers and schematics are provided, but not the KiCAD (or whatever was used) original files.

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