I’m setting up a new S-band station and I need some strong well-known satellites in the S-band for testing my RX. So please reply here with some satellite names and/or ID.
I’m setting up a new S-band station and I need some strong well-known satellites in the S-band for testing my RX. So please reply here with some satellite names and/or ID.
Give 39150 a try
most signals on S-band are far wider then the ones you find on VHF or UHF
Here a 5 MHz wide signal
Zzzzzz No reply from PE2BZ in 20 ms
I did a walk through my station 1433 obs and picked the strongest ones:
31304, 41877, 26857 (edited Norad ID big typo) (500 kHz wide LoRa signals, very strong, but a pass is about 30 minutes !) , 53807. 37849, 58435, 43714 and Odin 26702 which is supposed to be driftin’ through the waterfall
Keep in mind to be not disappointed with empty waterfalls on your observations. Not all satellites transmit on all passes over your home
My setup: Hackrf as Satnogs ( 1433 station ) with 5 turn RHCP 2240 helical, mechanical bandpass, preamp, 8 meter Aircell 7 coax, 8 dB preamp, one in two out splitter into Hackrf and Adalm Pluto (strf)
Good luck ! If possible share your satnogs station number
Thank you very much Ben. Most helpful info!
I will share station number when it is stable. I just got the HackRF One working…
From my observation(s) SatNOGS Network - Observation 8705970 you can check the Metadata
to see what gain and samplerate settings I use for my HackRF one.
small typo I think 26875 → 26857 (ICO F2)
Well found ! Edited the original messae
I have some problem getting any signals at all from the HackRF in SatNOGS.
If anyone have some ideas I will be greatful for some help.
Please see this thread:
And I think I have my first observation here. No LNA and just a wideband disconne antenna:
Great !
nice job for a discone antenna
From your metadata, VGA gain is set at 48, I would reduce that to 24 and compare with some Aim observations. My setup shows carrien to noise with vga above 28 dB decreases.
I will test different gain settings when I get a proper S-band antenna up with LNA. Now we have snow and ice so no climbing on the roof for me at the moment!