My station has only black observations (no waterfall, no audio)

I think we confuse two separate cases here, please correct me if I’m wrong.

  1. Observations have no artifacts (audio or waterfall or data) uploaded and in the client logs (sudo journalctl -f -u satnogs-client.service) there is this message: ERROR - Observer job lock acquiring timed out.. This case is related with the rtlsdr issue that I linked previously.

  2. Observations have artifacts (at least audio) and are marked as failed. This case is result of the automated check of audio file duration against the scheduled duration. If the difference between them is more than 1 minute then the observation is marked failed, which may be changed if waterfall is uploaded and vetted. The difference between scheduled and audio durations may come from the initialization of the sdr or other issues like lost samples, we need to investigate more these cases and adapt the automated checks, also the vetting process is still under discussion and hopefully soon we are going to move forward with it too.