MK-II rotor question about shaft seals

Can someone tell me what type of shaft seals are used on the rotor, and how are they attached?
The article seems to skip over that detail unless I’m missing something.

Hi Dan,
I think that rotor is the MKII from SARCNET, not a SATNOGS rotor.
I found a link to a presentation PDF, for that rotor, which has a BOM including the seals.
Hope this helps.

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Yes, those are hydraulic shaft seals, but it’s not clear, how they attached there. Probably they simply just glued it to the box.

We also boxed our SATNOGS V3.1 rotator. I’ve designed and printed housing for the similar hydraulic seals and attached with screws (and sealed with extra o-rings around the screws). It’s watertight since the installation.