LAPAN-A2 / IO-86 TLE is missing from mykepler

I cannot find TLE for LAPAN-A2 / IO-86 satellite from mykepler.txt

Please anyone can help?
Thank you

@PE0SAT Mr Jan, need your help to check.

looks like it is in satnogs tle at least.

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The TLE is no longer available, the status is LOST

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Interesting, we have an observation from LAPAN-A2 3 days ago. The TLE doesn’t seem to be too off, so maybe we can generate some TLE sets.

The last 3 days we don’t have any reception, however I don’t expect orbit has changed so much that we can not receive it. I’m going to schedule several observations and check if we can locate it.


out of a bunch of obs without signal, this looks good 9019443