K3NG about Rotator Computer Interface

I build the simple G5500 rotator interface PCB (4X2N2222 transitors)…
I found three differents schematics…

Schematic 1 (The PCB I Made from GERBER MASTER)
Arduino D6 controling CW
Arduino D7 controling UP
Arduino D8 controling CCW
Arduino D9 controling DOWN

Schematic 2
Arduino D6 controling CW
Arduino D7 controling CCW
Arduino D8 controling UP
Arduino D9 controling DOWN
( https://radioartisan.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/k3ng_arduino_rotator_controller_2011092801.png )

Schematic 3
Arduino D6 controling CCW
Arduino D7 controling CW
Arduino D8 controling DOWN
Arduino D9 controling UP
( https://www.ea4tx.com/wp-content/uploads/files/ars-shield/ars-shield_sch.png )

Which one according to k3ng_rotator_controller-master files…
Many thanks… VE2DSK

I found on rotator_pin.h the infos…
Thanks for reading… VE2DSK

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