Now it seems it is reading the prio.txt file but getting the below warning:
2024-10-20T19:08:37.920616858Z Malformed line in priority file ./prio.txt,
2024-10-20T19:08:37.920892120Z expected 3 parameters but found 1
2024-10-20T19:08:37.920929932Z Malformed line in priority file ./prio.txt,
2024-10-20T19:08:37.920962068Z expected 3 parameters but found 1
The help (./ -h) information gives me:
File with transmitter priorities. Should have columns
of the form |NORAD priority UUID| like |43017 0.9
KgazZMKEa74VnquqXLwAvD|. Priority is fractional, one
transmitter per line, 1.0 gets maximum priority.
The UUID can be found connecting to select a satellite, then transmitters.
I can now see no errors in the logs and the priority is correct, however, it is still scheduling satellites that are not listed in the priorities file.
Is there any way to schedule only satellites listed in the prio.txt file?