ISS SSTV - MAI-SSTV experiment Jan 28 and 29

Moscow Aviation Institute will be operating SSTV for a few passes that overfly Moscow on Jan 28 and 29. It is anticipated this will be the recent used PD-120 mode and will be on the 145.800 MHz.

Times for the experiment are currently scheduled as follows:

Jan 28 - Setup starts at 12:10 UTC and transmissions stop at 17:15 UTC
Jan 29 - Transmissions start at 13:10 and experiment concludes at 18:05 UTC

Source: ARISS-SSTV images: MAI-SSTV experiment Jan 28 and 29

SSTV Transmitter will be enabled in SatNOGS DB and Network 48h before the event.

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Transmitter is now active. I’ve scheduled SSTV passes for the 28th.