An ARISS Slow Scan TV (SSTV) event is scheduled from the International Space Station (ISS) for late December. This will be a special SSTV event to celebrate the 20th anniversary of ARISS operations on the ISS. The event is scheduled to begin on December 24 and continue through December 31. Details to follow later. Dates are subject to change due to ISS operational adjustments.
***Update (Dec 21) - times for the event appear to have the activity being setup and starting after 16:40 UTC on December 24 and running continuously until 18:15 UTC on December 31.
The SSTV transmitter in DB is now activated, you can now schedule the first day.
Have in mind that recent fixes for SSTV decoder haven’t reached the stable version yet, so you may notice that some of the uploaded images are not complete. A non-suggested work-around is to increase the interval SATNOGS_NETWORK_API_POST_INVERVAL in Advanced -> Network settings to something longer, like 600 seconds or more.
This means that station will wait all these seconds to try to upload the image, so the chances to run in the middle of the observation and upload an incomplete image are smaller, but not zero.
If you perform this workaround please have in mind to revert it after the end of the event to the default value, which is 180 seconds.
For better results and as the ISS SSTV signal is pretty strong, when you schedule the passes in observations/new page, in Advanced options choose Custom in Station Horizon option and use value 0. This will allow to observe the whole pass if the station has added a minimum horizon and more chances to get the SSTV signal.