ISS CubeSat Deployment NRCSD#24 (Nanoracks) - 2022-12-29 12:05 UTC

From it seems that TJREVERB may transmit at 144.39 MHz. I’ve added the transmitter and scheduled a couple of observations.

Also probably from someone from the team there was an update on the LORIS transmitter baudrate from 19200 to 9600. Let’s see if we are going to get anything.

Finally I was about to identify ORCASat based on SatNOGS Network - Observation 6995051. However I got a similar signal on different frequency (the one of LORIS), that matches the same object SatNOGS Network - Observation 7004278. So, I’m now wondering if the signal we recognize as ORCASat is indeed ORCASat or something else (maybe a terrestrial transmission?) and why we got similar signal at LORIS frequency. More observations have been scheduled for both to solve this mystery.

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